“Greensboro Country Club uses your Glo-Ice® products and we’ve found them to be superior in quality and a real hit with our members! What a terrific and ingenious use of color and technology to create a “wow” factor.” -Robert Lesinger, General Manager and COO – Greensboro Country Club (Greensboro, NC)

“We have been doing business with Engineered Plastics for over 25 years selling Glo-Ice® trays and light boxes. Your employees are always very polite and helpful, taking care of every detail needed to fulfill my orders. Sue always makes sure our orders get shipped out as soon as possible. She is a delight to work with and is always friendly and hard working. Wayne gets us any freight quotes in a timely fashion. In 25+ years, I don't think any of our shipments have ever been damaged in shipping or delayed. It has been my pleasure working with you and all of your staff. I am looking forward to continuing working with you and your company.” -Alice Connelly, President – Ice Crafters (Glen Ellyn, IL)